Charity and SVP
Charity at Our Lady's
As a school we are committed to living the teachings of Jesus of ‘loving thy neighbour’ on both a local and global level. We strive to provide ‘preferential option for the poor and vulnerable’ and live out Catholic Social Teachings of ‘solidarity’ and the ‘dignity of the human person’ in all that we do as a community. Charity is central to us living our mission: ‘To Know, Love and Serve God’.
Throughout the year we aim to provide support to a number of charities including: Macmillian, CAFOD, British Heart Foundation, The Royal British Legion, St Clare’s Parish Foodbank, The Mustard Tree, The Lalley Centre, The Ukraine Appeal, Corner Stones and Caritas Salford.
As part of our Religious Life Enrichment, pupils are invited to join Youth SVP, which aims to put our Catholic faith into action. Over the course of the year, Youth SVP dedicate their time to charitable acts such as; littering picking in the local community, delivering food to St.Clare's Parish for their food bank, raising funds for charities that impact the community of Our Lady’s personally and creating a culture of genuine charity being at the heart of Our Lady’s RC High School.