COVID Home Testing
As you will be aware there are rising cases of Covid-19 in the local community. Manchester City Council are encouraging all people in the borough to take rapid tests as this is an important part of the easing of restrictions and getting life back to normal.
Our pupils have missed a significant amount of school and we wish to keep all of our pupils safe and disruption to a minimum which is why we are asking for your support to ensure that your child carries out lateral flow tests at home.
Taking a rapid COVID-19 test twice a week, even if you do not have symptoms, will help the country stay ahead of the spread of the virus, particularly as new strains appear. Around 1 in 3 people with COVID-19 have no symptoms and are spreading the virus without knowing. This includes those who have had their vaccine.
When should my child take their test?
We are asking students take one of their two lateral flow tests on a Monday morning before school. If this is not possible, we would ask you to do it on a Sunday evening.
Do NOT attend school if anyone in the household tests positive. Your household should isolate and a confirmatory PCR test should be arranged for your child.
All students should home test twice a week, including over the holidays, and report all results online here or call 119 for free. All results must be recorded whether positive, negative or void. Recording all test results helps scientists stay ahead of the virus by spotting new outbreaks quickly and advising how to respond.
Where can I get the test kits?
All students have been given home test kits, if we have your permission. If your child needs a kit, please ask them to visit the main office in school or you can order them online here:
There is a video guide on how to administer the tests here:
There is further information on the Manchester City Council website here
Thank you for all your support.