Our Transition Programme
Supporting the Move from Primary to Secondary
The transition from primary school to secondary school can be overwhelming, and we want to ensure that all children feel happy and confident when it comes to taking the next step in their educational journey. Working closely with our partner primary schools, we run a comprehensive programme of transition events from Y4-6 designed to support children through this life-changing experience. Our transition days help build the confidence and self-belief pupils need to progress smoothly from a primary school environment to a new educational experience as part of the Our Lady’s community.
Transition Events
Children from our partner primary schools regularly visit Our Lady’s for events such as community picnics, school theatre productions or for training with our GIFT Chaplaincy team.
Children will be invited to their own specifically tailored transition days where they will be given the opportunity to experience a variety of high school ‘taster’ lessons as well as a range of interactive workshops working with companies like KONFLUX Theatre in Education, Computer Xplorers and Tucum Manchester Capoeira.
We are part of the Ogden Trust Schools Partnership Programme which consists of twelve schools and we are the lead school. The purpose of the programme is to improve physics education by empowering teachers so they can inspire their students to take physics further.
Throughout the year, we deliver Electricity lessons, and other sessions to engage children with science at high school which are delivered by the UMPO (University of Manchester Physics Outreach Team).