Year 8
Head of Year: Miss H Smith
Vision for Year 8
Year 7 has been a vital year in building strong rapports with peers and staff, to establish the structures and routines that will help us to be successful during our academic lives. In the second year of a pupil's journey at our school, we have the same high expectations and standards as those in their final year of study at Our Lady's. These are the traditional standards of uniform, presentation, and respect. This ensures that all pupils can reach their full potential in a purposeful environment where students make good progress.
It is important to note that we are moving into a fundamental year. This is the year where we begin to further hone our interests and take part in more exciting opportunities, where we can seize these opportunities to develop ourselves, to try new things, learn more about ourselves and to act as positive, engaged role models for the incoming year 7s. We will continue to follow the teachings of Jesus and model this through our actions and behaviours, as well as supporting students in becoming mature, responsible, independent and resilient individuals who have a range of skills which will serve them well in their future studies and lives.
With the three pillars of education, Catholic ethos, and home, we can give students the best experiences here at Our Lady’s and throughout their continued journey. Running parallel to our behaviour system is a huge emphasis on celebrating the achievements of students. Reward celebrations and trips will be a feature of your child’s experience here at Our Lady’s. There is also a varied spectrum of different academic and sporting clubs for students to enjoy within the school day or after hours.
I am greatly looking forward to sharing a continued journey with this year group, promoting a culture of togetherness within school and with the support of home life.
Top 3 Priorities for Year 8:
- Have more of an active role in school life and participate in extra curricular activities.
- To continue to develop resilience, independence, responsibility and maturity.
- Become role models for the new incoming year 7s.
Miss Smith's Favourite Quote:
“It matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to be.” – Albus Dumbledore