Ethos and Mission
All that we do as a school is informed by our mission and our fundamental aim is to, ‘educate the whole person with Jesus Christ as our model’, living the mission statement, “To Know, Love and Serve God”.
We put Christ at the heart of all that we do, from the curriculum to the religious life of the school and give all members of our school community the opportunity to develop spiritually on their journey of faith.
We are all “one in Christ” and so we welcome all groups into our school community. We endeavour for inclusion of all communities, ensuring that the pastoral care of pupils and staff show the values of the Gospel message of love, respect and forgiveness.
All staff and pupils are encouraged to “live life to the full” and walk together in our journey of faith with Christ. We want pupils and staff to work together, care, respect and accept all individuals in our school community and the society around us.
Above all, we aim to “help all students to become saints” (Pope Benedict XVI)
Collective Worship
We endeavour to give all members of our school community the opportunity to bear witness to their faith and bring Christ into their lives in accordance with the liturgical calendar of the Catholic Church. Each Tuesday Lunch time, our G.I.F.T Chaplaincy Team will plan a Mass that will be celebrated by Fr. Nicholas in our school Chapel where all students and staff are welcome to join. During a Thursday morning there is a special Form Mass. During Thursday lunch times, Fr. Nicholas will guide us in the following forms of Popular Piety dependent on the time of the Liturgical Year: The Rosary, Eucharistic Adoration or The Stations of the Cross. The Sacrament of Reconciliation takes place during Advent and Lent, and is available upon request from Fr. Nicholas at any other time of year.
We believe it is important to come together to celebrate significant milestones in our students' journey at Our Lady’s. We invite parents to join us in welcoming our new Year 7’s during a special ‘Welcome Mass’ celebrated at the beginning of the new academic year. We then remember the memories and friendships made, by coming together to say goodbye to our Year 11’s in the Summer term. This is a wonderful opportunity for staff, pupils and parents to come together to celebrate the journey that our Year 11’s have had and to remind them that the light of Our Lady’s will be with them always.
Our G.I.F.T Chaplains play a crucial role in the planning and delivery of collective worship, and many have been trained to serve during the Mass.
Catholic Life of our School
We endeavour to give everyone in our school the opportunity to witness the teachings of Jesus. This is evident in the values of the Gospels such as compassion, justice, service and reconciliation in all aspects of school life, both in our Parish and community. Putting our faith into action is very important to us and we serve others through numerous acts of charity. We give generously to St. Clare’s Parish Food Bank each half term and during Advent we make hampers for those in our community who need it most. During Lent we collect for St Joseph's Penny and raise funds for CAFOD in a local and global way. All staff and pupils are encouraged to be ambassadors of Christ, walking together on a journey of faith. We want pupils and staff to work together, care, respect and accept all individuals in our school community and the society around us.
We start each day with a prayer, in accordance with the Liturgical Calendar, during form time, and assemblies take place each week and are led by both staff and pupils. Form time activities allow pupils to experience spiritual, moral, social and cultural ideals in society.