Ofsted Inspection - November 2021
In November 2021, Our Lady's was visited by an inspection team from Ofsted. Once again, the school has been judged as GOOD. Securing another strong judgement is testament to the hard work of all our school community: students, staff, and governors. We feel our school is best reflected by these comments in the report:
- ‘Staff place pupils at the heart of everything that they do.’
- ‘Pupils behave well and move purposefully around the school. They treat each other with respect regardless of race, gender or culture.’
- ‘Teachers expect pupils to do their best. Pupils work diligently to meet the high expectations that teachers have for their learning.’
- Pupils value their learning and attendance is high. They show respect for each other’s views and opinions.’
The full report is available at the link below and should you wish to discuss any of the findings, please contact school directly on 0161 507 9640.
Ofsted Inspection - February 2017
In February 2017 an inspection of Our Lady’s was carried out by Ofsted.
The inspection was a very useful experience for our community with all aspects of our provision being recognised as GOOD. The key strengths of the school included:
- "Pupils form positive relationships with their peers and staff"
- "The school is a diverse, happy and outward-looking community."
- "Pupils of all abilities, including most able are challenged appropriately"
- "Outcomes are good....This is because of high standards and expectations, strong attitudes to learning and good or better teaching"
The full report is available below and should you wish to discuss any of the findings please contact school directly on 0161 507 9640.