At Key Stage 3, our students develop designing, making and evaluating skills. Students gain technical knowledge within the different material areas. Such as performance of structures, mechanical systems, application of electronics, uses. sources of materials, application of heat to food, just a few to mention.
At Key Stage 4, our students have a choice of Eduqas Vocational Engineering and Eduqas GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition. Our students can also opt for Edexcel Pearson BTEC Health & Social Care. All subjects have a vocational/ practical aspect. All subjects are very popular in the option uptake within school.
Staff seek to make learning inspiring and engaging for our students with the use of technology to support learning where possible.
Mrs Burke is the Head of Technology
Click below to access our curriculum maps.
Design & Technology Curriculum Maps
Engineering Curriculum Maps
Food & Nutrition Curriculum Maps
Health & Social Curriculum Maps
Faculty Leader:
Mrs T Burke
Miss C Branch |
Miss N Castle Mr A Coughlan |
Miss H Morson |
Mrs L Sharples (Tech) |