Our Lady’s staff work collectively to support academic attainment and personal growth and this can be seen through our comprehensive careers programme. The aim of careers education is to ensure that all pupils have the experience, knowledge and advice that they need to aspire to their chosen career. Throughout key transition periods e.g. from KS3 to KS4 and on leaving Our Lady’s, we offer a comprehensive careers and information service, delivered as; whole cohort assemblies, small group presentations and 1-1 careers guidance which promote all pathways that are available to students.
We also work closely with external agencies to offer opportunities throughout KS3 and KS4 for all pupils to gain exposure to work experience, the wider workplace and higher educational institutes through trips and in school presentations. This personalised guidance package, works alongside a comprehensive careers curriculum programme, which is delivered through PSHCE, covering all statutory content and supporting in the coverage of the Gatsby Benchmarks.
Further information regarding the specific opportunities we offer pupils can be found here.