In Mathematics, homework is set to encourage independent learning through the use of online Maths resources. This aims to secure key learning and procedural skills through repeated practice and extend mathematical learning beyond the prescribed national curriculum
Year 7 - Year 10
Homework is set every week on Each assignment should take around 40 minutes and students receive immediate feedback on their work. All content is designed ahead of time to match material being covered in lessons over the previous 4-8 weeks. All homework is set on a specific day and students get one week to complete their work.
Year 11
In Year 11, students receive half a past exam paper every week to complete at home. Additional revision is set on at the discretion of the teacher.
Students receive feedback on their exam papers through an online walk through of the exam paper on TikTok or YouTube. Additionally, the class teacher will provide feedback on bespoke areas of difficulty during lesson time.