Modern Foreign Languages
Modern Foreign Languages
Homework within MFL focuses on retrieval of both recent and more long term learning, constantly revisiting high frequency vocabulary and structures. At KS4, homework should also look to develop key exam skills and awareness of exam style questions.
KS3 - Years 7-9
Homework for KS3 classes is set twice per half term as a Google Form Quiz which focuses predominantly on language covered in the current scheme of work as well as incorporating common words and structures.
KS4 - Years 10 and 11
Homework for KS4 classes is set as a minimum of once a week in the form of a booklet. These booklets focus predominantly on language covered in previous schemes of work as well as high frequency structures and words. Homework also gives GCSE classes the opportunity to practise exam style questions, relevant to all four papers: Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking.