At Our Lady’s we see the value of extracurricular opportunities as enabling pupils to continue to develop themselves holistically whilst finding joy in a range of activities that they may otherwise not have engaged in. We offer a range of extracurricular opportunities that cover a wide spectrum of interests and areas including but not limited to; academia, sport, culture and different hobbies. Attendance at extracurricular clubs is on a voluntary basis although it is strongly encouraged as the programme aims to motivate students, raise self-esteem and establish new friendships. Clubs, trips and activities at Our Lady’s give students the opportunity to extend their learning and raise achievement. All students are welcome to take part regardless of their ability, age or needs.
Staff members run a variety of clubs to cater for all students which take place at lunchtimes and after school. The full timetable of what we offer can be found here. Additional enrichment opportunities include residentials e.g. Boreatton Park and Savio House and the Duke of Edinburgh award.