RE Inspection
On the 5th and 6th of October we were inspected by the Catholic Schools Inspectorate, and we are extremely pleased and proud to be able to report to you that our school has been judged ‘Outstanding’ in all areas. This is a significant achievement for the school and reflects the fantastic work that goes on at Our Lady’s every day.
Numerous areas of outstanding practice were highlighted by the inspectors, and the full report is now available for you to read, but the following are a summary of the key findings:
- Leaders in the school have created a faith filled community that is fully inclusive, welcoming and ambitious for all, where staff are strong role models for students.
- Pastoral care for everyone, but especially those that are most vulnerable is exceptional.
- There is an environment where behaviour is exemplary underpinned by a climate of mutual respect.
- Outcomes in Religious Education are strong.
- The school is committed to creating a meaningful and accessible sacramental and liturgical experience to develop the faith lives of the whole school.
A copy of the full report is available through the following link and on request from the School Office.
Securing the judgement of ‘Outstanding’ for Our Lady’s is a testament to the hard work and commitment of our students, staff and governors. We also greatly value the contribution parents have made to the success of the school. I don’t think the inspectors had seen such an overwhelmingly positive response from parents before. Going forwards, with your support, we hope to continue to deliver outstanding educational outcomes for your children and improve their experience even further.
Mr Ormsby