History is a highly popular and successful subject at Our Lady’s. The subject instils pupils with a range of skills such as written and verbal communication, analytical skills, intellectual rigour, critical thinking and the ability to construct a well-reasoned argument. Pupils enjoy studying a range of topics and will gain a coherent knowledge of Britain’s past and that of the wider world.
At Our Lady’s, pupils are encouraged to become historians by sparking a curiosity about the past along with understanding its complexity and its significance in contemporary life. At KS3, pupils study a range of topics from the First World War to the transatlantic slave trade and its abolition.
The curriculum is broad, engaging and diverse. Classroom teachers strive to make pupils the best that they can be both in and out of the confines of the classroom. We aim to provide pupils with a historical perspective and contextual framework to make sense of the past and understand its relevance today.