SEND / Learning Support Unit
Hello and welcome to the SEND department!
Our department is led by Mrs Stewart (SENDCo) and Mrs McNally is our Assistant SENDCo. As a team we support pupils with special educational needs and disabilities, this could include academic or emotional support. Pupils are treated with respect and dignity and the provision put in place is always personalised. We have a highly skilled team who take responsibilities across different areas as you can see below.
Team Member | Role/Responsibilities |
Mrs E Stewart | Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator (SENDCo) |
Mrs S McNally | Assistant SENDCo, specialist assessor, KS3/4 Maths |
Mr A Derrig | English KS3/4, reading interventions, SEAL (Social Emotional Aspects of Learning) and in class support. |
Miss M Banks | English KS3, reading interventions, catch-up literacy, ASDAN (KS4), keyworker/mentoring and in class support. |
Mrs L Rivers | Rainbows intervention (bereavement support), Science intervention, keyworker/mentoring, zones of regulation and in class support. |
Mrs J Rapacz | EAL interventions, handwriting intervention, keyworker/mentoring and in class support. |
Mr A Hunt | Maths KS3/4, catch-up literacy, homework support, keyworker/mentoring and in class support. |
| Speech and language interventions, homework support, keyworker/mentoring, Lego therapy and in class support. |
Miss D Robinson | Lego therapy, English KS4, reading interventions, keyworker/mentoring and in class support. |
Mr K Keogh | Speech and language interventions, homework support, keyworker/mentoring, KS4 Maths/Science revision, and in class support. |
Speech and language interventions, homework support, keyworker/mentoring, Lego therapy and in class support. |